"Climate 101 - Recommendations Guideline" is Now Available in English!

"Climate 101 - Recommendations Guideline" is Now Available in English!

26/12/2023 | 17 Mayıs

The May 17 Association has completed the English version of its "lklim 101” guide.

"Climate 101 - Recommendations Guideline" is Now Available in English! - May 17 Association

In 2021, the May 17 Association has initiated its climate studies to build ideas on climate change and climate justice, to highlight the intersectionality of LGBTI+ persons and the climate crisis, and to discuss what can be done both organizationally and individually within the LGBTI+ movement. This is the first written source published as soft copy in Turkey in this regard and it is the May 17's very first work in the field of climate studies where it also worked with Kaos GL tu update their policy papers.


This guideline, which provides advisory recommendations on contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment and emphasizes how to transform ourselves and our activism, is the first step taken in that regard. The May 17 Association aims to continue its climate studies to ensure making the adverse effects of climate change on vulnerable groups like women and LGBTI+ persons visible by increase the number of voices and narratives in climate advocacy. The May 17 also intends to share all the information acquired not only with LGBTI+ movements in Turkey but also with those in other countries, while inspiring them with a transformation for the sake of zero waste and zero carbon emission.


Therefore, the English translation of the Climate 101 guide has recently been completed under the title: “LGBTI+ Persons and the Climate Crisis- Starting the Transformation from Ourselves -Climate 101-Recommendations Guideline”.


The guide includes sections on “The Origin of the Climate Crisis; What Is Climate Justice - Overview of the Climate Justice Movement; A Perspective on the Relation Between Gender, LGBTI+ Community, and Climate Change; Queering the Climate for a Better Environment &Atmosphere- An Overview of the Ecofeminism/Queer Ecology Debates; Starting the Transformation from Ourselves-Recommendations for LGBTI+ Persons and LGBTI+ NGOs; Updated Policy Documents”.


You can access the guideline via the link.


With this guideline, the May 17 Association will continue its efforts to address the climate issue from a holistic perspective and advocate for solutions that will queer the world. In parallel with these efforts, the May 17 also aims to raise its awareness in emergency and disaster management for a profound change. Please be updated!

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