10/01/2024 | Özge Gökpınar
May 17 would like to raise its own awareness regarding emergency management for a radical change.
The May 17 Association, which is well known for its climate studies. continues its climate studies to ensure making the adverse effects of climate change on vulnerable groups like women and LGBTI+ persons visible by increase the number of voices and narratives in climate justice advocacy.
The earthquake tragedy occurred in February this year in Turkey shows us that as LGBTI+ community, we should raise our awareness regarding fundamental first aid and emergency management methods in case of earthquake, fire, etc., as the direct subjects of the climate crisis and the disasters brought by it. For that reason, May 17 would like to raise its own awareness regarding emergency management for a radical change.
For this reason, the May 17 Association, which cooperated with AKUT, requested an Emergency management 101 training from AKUT. This training took place via zoom on 7 December 2023, between 13:30-16:30.
A total of 26 persons attended the training, with a selection of participant profiles such as May 17 & Kaos GL staff and one person from their chosen families. The training was given by Tolga Babacan on behalf of AKUT. Participants were provided with the information on topics such as "types of emergencies, flood-fire-earthquake, how to prepare for them, how to behave before, during and after these incidents, etc." and this 3-hour training ended with Q&A session.
May 17 Association also recently prepared and published the English version of the Climate 101 guideline. With that guideline, it aims to raise awareness in European and Balkan countries about the intersection of the LGBTI+ community and the climate crisis. Stay tuned.