Training on project cycle by May 17 to six LGBTI+ organizations

Training on project cycle by May 17 to six LGBTI+ organizations

16/11/2020 | 17 Mayıs

May 17’s projects regarding institutional support to build the capacities of LGBTI+ associations are well underway.

Training on project cycle by May 17 to six LGBTI+ organizations  - May 17 Association

To maintain the sustainability of LGBTI+ organizations, in addition to providing support in capacity building, finance and administrative affairs, advocacy, and digital safety, May 17 both creates platforms where experts and LGBTI+ organizations can work collaboratively and offers the organization training sessions.


The second training session was held yesterday- 15 November and it was on project cycle. With the participation of Hevi LGBTİ+, Genç LGBTİ+, Mersin Muamma LGBTİ+, Ankara Rainbow Families Association, Unikuir and Akdeniz Aileleri Grubu, Ayça Bulut Bican offered a session on project cycle.


The training started with Metin Güzel introducing the outline, the participants, and the experts on behalf of May 17. The purpose of the session and how it would proceed were shared with the participants.


Following Güzel’s introductory remarks, Bican talked about the basic concepts regarding project approach and the project cycle in the first session. Bican then defined context analysis, stakeholder analysis, target group analysis, creating a strategy, and risk analysis that are to take place during the programming and analyzing stage.


The session went on with a description of what intervention logic is.


The participants exemplified events, products, target groups, and the changes they are after on a canvas on collectively. Through those examples, practical tips were shared.


During the second session, tips on the different stages of change and how these can be distinguished from one another were introduced. On which stage change actually manifests itself was described, indicators and justification sources were explained. It was emphasized that the indicators play a vital role in monitoring, learning and adapting the strategies of intervention. It was also underlined that a systematic monitoring is a vital part of project design. The participants were also informed about the main components of a monitoring plan. The last stage of the project cycle, which is evaluation was explained and the criteria used during the evaluation stage was shared with the participants. 



Translation: Kerem Selçuk

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